"For me, style is about not being afraid to try something new but being honest enough with yourself that even though "it" might be "fashionable", "it" might not be you."
The Sartorialist
"designers are often the worst dressed in the room because they are too busy thinking about how to dress others"
Richard Sorger & Jenny Udale, "Fundamentals of Fashion Design" (amazon)
Edmonde Charles-Roux spune in cartea pe care a scris-o despre Chanel ca 'si-a dedicat in taina siesi artificiile ei cele mai provocatoare.' total de acord
Edmonde Charles-Roux spune in cartea pe care a scris-o despre Chanel ca 'si-a dedicat in taina siesi artificiile ei cele mai provocatoare.' total de acord
n-as zice ca designerul este persoana cea mai prost imbracata din incapere, poate cea mai simplu imbracata ar fi mai corect.
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