Emotiile si discutiile starnte de imaginea publicata in Glamour US, reprezentand-o pe Lizzie Miller, model de marimi "mari" nu s-au linistit inca:
(articolul care explica mai in detaliu povestea lui Lizzie poate fi citit aici - cele peste 1000 de comentarii indica impactul imaginii).
(articolul care explica mai in detaliu povestea lui Lizzie poate fi citit aici - cele peste 1000 de comentarii indica impactul imaginii).
If Leive [redactorul Glamour] really does hope for “the beginning of a revolution”, then all she has to do is use bigger, more normal-looking models. (She won’t.) If the magazine’s readers really do feel like throwing street parties to celebrate the appearance of half an inch of normal fat in the pages of their glossy magazine, then all they have to do is relax and stop judging other women. (They won’t. They are happy — crazed with joy — with the half-inch of fat in novel isolation; they wouldn’t like it on every page.) The reason magazines are crammed full of the super-skinny is that women, despite what they may say in public, like the fact that the £2,000 dress is being modelled by someone who’s 14 and a size 4.
cred ca ar trebui sa existe un echilibru...
sunt multe modele de marimi "mari" foarte frumoase:)
de ex:Crystal Renn...mie mi se pare superba:)
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