sâmbătă, 23 mai 2009

Quote of the day

"Cea mai mare insulta pe care poti sa o aduci unei rochii de seara este sa ii pui un fermoar de plastic."

Ovidiu Buta, in Editor's Blog pe Fashion&Beauty.


Mina spunea...

yes it might be but its also cheaper. its easy to preach quality in clothes when one has a large disposable income. unfortunly most romanians live on a salary of less than $ 400 so lets ask Ovidiu how some can afford a dress without a plastic zipper. i apologize in advance if my frankness offends anyone.

carola spunea...

@Mina - pe mine nu ma ofensezi cu nimic, mai ales cand ai dreptate :) Postez aceste "citate ale zilei", alegand nu doar randuri cu care sunt 100% de acord, dar care simt ca ar putea starni reactii, pozitive sau nu. Pana la urma, nu suntem aici doar pt a ne aproba reciproc gusturile, ci pentru a mai face, periodic, schimb de idei si opinii ;)
In ceea ce-l priveste pe Buta, ori a pierdut, partial, contactul cu viata reala, ceea ce se poate intampla cand te ocupi de materii atat de sofisticate si scumpe, ori (si consider varianta aceasta ma plauzibila ;) se adreseaza celor care au banii necesari sa-si cumpere 'nspe rochii de seara cu nume mari si bombastice pe etichete, dar care nu au gustul si educatia de a o face cu cap. Si, in pofida sumelor mari de bani pe care le cheltuiesc pe imbracaminte, nu arata deloc elegant...

Mina spunea...

i'm very glad carola that u didnt get offened by my opinion against the quote. u are right that some posts should be open for debate and some people will take opposing stances to it. by no means my comment was intended to insult you, the author of your blog. mostly I thought people who strongly agree with Buta might get offened by my comment. you might be right that he might have intended the comment for the " fashionably" elite, to educate them on quality. but as a fashion editor I would have thought that he should not loose perspective of the major consumer of romania, one with a small disposable income that has to cut corners on quality for the sake of living.

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