luni, 13 aprilie 2009

Quote of the day

If we all stopped voting for trashy gossip with our wallets, the vast majority of trashy gossip would disappear. But I think you’d overestimate human nature to think that such restraint is even possible on a mass scale. People are animals—no offense to the animals—and marketers of all stripes have become acutely skilled at creating “irresistible” content that appeals to the baser instincts.

Michael Hogan, Vanity Fair

PS: sunt constienta de faptul ca randurile de mai sus sunt foarte dure, dar nu ma pot abtine sa-mi nu aduc aminte toate scandalurile si stirile ieftine de prin mass-media romanesti, pe teme diverse, incepand cu Monica Gabor-Columbeanu si terminand cu recenta arestare a lui Gigi. Presa pare sa depuna eforturi sustinute de a ne dispensa de mersul la circ si de intimitatea peep-show-urilor.


Etrapar spunea...

Randurile nu sunt dure...sunt reale. :)

carola spunea...

Da, din pacate :)

Denisa L spunea...

cred ca nu exista zi in metrou/autobuz sa nu vad pe cineva citind Cancan...
mare porcarie de ziar...

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